Collaborate, Innovate, Succeed, with HoCo.

Whether you're a small independent restaurant or a large multi-location bar, HoCo has the tools and resources you need to thrive in today's ever-changing market. Experience unparalleled success in the food and beverage industry  today!


The Hospitality Coalition is at the vanguard of a monumental revolution, completely reshaping the very essence of the hospitality industry. We are an unparalleled force, an unwavering digital marketing and strategic business development firm radiating an electrifying blend of boundless energy and groundbreaking innovation, poised to conquer the globe! Within our ranks, a formidable team of industry experts meticulously curate bespoke digital strategies that transcend the boundaries of possibility, meticulously tailored to meet the distinctive needs of both seasoned veterans and promising start-ups alike. Embark on a transformative journey towards resounding success with HoCo, the unrivaled pioneer in restaurant and bar consulting, blazing a trail of unprecedented achievement and prosperity.

Our Services

Special Events

With our special events expertise, we know how to creatively restructure your company’s content strategies to convert customers into long-term clients. Imagine the benefits of having a team that can curate private events, corporate wine tastings, social media marketing campaigns, and more.

Data Discovery

Gain a deep understanding of your target audience and market trends. We use advanced research methodologies to identify opportunities, predict consumer behavior, and tailor your offerings accordingly.

Strategic Consulting

Empower your business to navigate industry challenges, innovate offerings, and achieve sustainable growth with actionable advice and strategic planning from our seasoned consultants.

Targeted Digital Marketing

Boost your online presence and connect with your target audience. We build a strong digital footprint through data-driven campaigns, engaging content curation, social media marketing, and stunning visuals.

Featured Case Study

This is a Spring of 2023 case study assessing the market of nonprofits and food insecurity.

Case Background

Our client sought to forge an unwavering social media presence, effectively disseminating awareness about their groundbreaking initiatives, unwavering mission, and inspiring vision. To accomplish this, a comprehensive social media transformation was imperative, coupled with strategic consulting to identify potential partnerships and collaborations for their highly-anticipated annual music festival. Collaboratively, we meticulously crafted an ingenious marketing strategy that harnessed the power of synergy, ensuring optimal advantage and unparalleled exposure. Our astute recommendation encompassed harnessing the influence of local luminaries and small enterprises to magnify the potential reach of our captivating social media content, while simultaneously cultivating more avenues for dedicated volunteers to contribute their boundless energy and passion.

Why Choose Us

  • Supportive Community

  • Resources & Tools

  • 75+ Years of Experience

  • Impact

  • Sense of Urgency

  • One-Stop-Shop

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