Molly Newton: Kitchen to Cocktail Journey

Molly Newton’s journey into mixology is deeply intertwined with her roots in the restaurant industry. Having grown up in a family that managed and worked in restaurants, Molly was practically destined for a life in hospitality. She started working at 16, and by the time she turned 21, she found herself behind the bar, where she quickly discovered her passion. “I love making people happy and giving them something they can enjoy and feel good about spending their money and time on,” she says. For Molly, mixology is a creative outlet that blends her love for food and beverage, allowing her to experiment with different ingredients and see the joy her creations bring to others. Her unique style developed from this dual passion, as she enjoys combining elements from both the culinary and beverage worlds to create something truly special.

When asked what cocktail best represents her, Molly chose a dirty gin martini with a twist AND olives. This choice perfectly encapsulates her personality—classic and classy, with a bit of a wild side. The dirty gin martini is a timeless drink that exudes sophistication, much like Molly herself. Yet, the twist and olives add an unexpected element, reflecting her adventurous spirit and willingness to embrace the unexpected in her craft.

Mixology Approach and Technique

Molly’s mixology approach is all about thinking outside the lines. She loves to mix unexpected ingredients to see how they interact and play off each other, often approaching her craft from a culinary perspective. “I believe what sets my mixology approach apart from others is that I love to mix unexpected ingredients together to see how they can play off each other,” she explains. This approach allows her to create cocktails that are not only delicious but also intriguing and complex. Her willingness to experiment and push boundaries is what makes her stand out in the industry.

Being a Woman in a Male-Dominated Industry

Molly has a refreshingly egalitarian view of gender in the industry. She doesn’t see males and females as different when it comes to creating and serving great cocktails. “If someone wants to create and serve great cocktails, it shouldn’t matter what sex they are,” she states. However, she does acknowledge the unique challenges women face in the industry and adds with a playful wink, “I mean, but women are clearly superior.” Molly’s attitude is one of inclusivity and respect, focusing on the shared passion for creating exceptional cocktails rather than on gender distinctions.

Despite her extensive experience in the restaurant industry, Molly is new to formal cocktail competitions. She admits that the idea of competing is both exciting and nerve-wracking. “I have never entered a formal cocktail competition before, so this is very new to me! but exciting for sure!” she shares. Molly sees this competition as an opportunity to learn and grow in her craft, and she’s eager to see what she can achieve in this new setting.

What She Hopes to Achieve

For Molly, the competition is about more than just winning—it’s about personal and professional growth. She hopes to learn new skills and techniques that will enhance her craft, inspired by both her competitors and the cocktails she creates. Molly is particularly excited about the networking opportunities and the chance to connect with more women in the bar industry. “I’m excited to meet more females in the bar industry in our city!” she exclaims. She’s looking forward to trying something new, surrounded by people who are just as creative, driven, and passionate about mixology as she is.

Join the Fun: Get Your Tickets and Become a Partner

As Molly gears up for this exciting journey, you too can be part of the action. Don’t miss out on witnessing the creativity and talent of mixologists like Molly Newton. Early bird tickets for the upcoming cocktail competition are now available—grab yours today! If you’re interested in becoming a partner and supporting this celebration of craft and creativity, download our promotional deck for more details on how you can get involved.

Molly’s journey into the world of mixology is a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and a willingness to push boundaries. As she embarks on her first formal cocktail competition, there’s no doubt that Molly will bring her unique blend of culinary influence and adventurous spirit to every cocktail she crafts. This is just the beginning for Molly, and we can’t wait to see where her creativity takes her next.


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