From Math to Mixology: How Jenna’s Analytical Mind Fuels Her Cocktail Creations

Jenna Reynold'’s journey into the world of mixology is as unique as her cocktail creations. Originally on a path to become a theoretical mathematician, life took a sharp turn when she left school to care for her family after her mother passed away. What started as a way to pay the bills quickly turned into a lifelong passion. “Bartending found me, as opposed to me finding it,” Jenna shares. This serendipitous entry into the world of cocktails has shaped her unique approach to mixology, where the elegance of mathematics meets the artistry of crafting drinks.

Jenna’s style is rooted in a deep respect for the classics, but she always adds her own twist, often incorporating flavors and techniques that are as unexpected as they are delightful. Her favorite cocktail, the White Negroni, perfectly represents her personality—bright, elegant, balanced, but with an edge. It’s a drink that, much like Jenna, stands out in any crowd.

Mixology Meets Mathematics: The Method Behind the Magic

What sets Jenna apart from others in the industry is her analytical approach to creating cocktails. With her background in mathematics, she often maps out her cocktails on paper before even stepping behind the bar. “Sometimes I will have a cocktail dialed in before the first time making it,” she explains. This process allows her to refine every detail, ensuring that each drink is not only delicious but also visually and conceptually intriguing.

Jenna’s ability to blend precision with creativity has not only made her a sought-after mixologist but has also earned her recognition in national and international competitions. From placing in the top five at World Class 2023 to claiming second place at the Underground Bartender Bar Comp in Las Vegas, Jenna’s competitive spirit is fueled by her love for learning. “I never would have gotten where I am in my career so quickly without everything I’ve learned from amazing competitors,” she says.

Breaking Barriers in a Male-Dominated Industry

Despite her accomplishments, Jenna acknowledges the challenges she faces as a young woman in a predominantly male industry. “In a scene like Charlotte, with just a small handful of mainly men running the city's bar programs for years, it is daunting,” she admits. As someone who has only been bartending for four years, she often finds herself struggling to be taken seriously. However, Jenna remains undeterred. “The only opinion of you that matters is your own,” she reminds herself.

Her determination to excel, combined with her unique approach to mixology, has made her a force to be reckoned with in the cocktail world. And as she prepares for upcoming national finals in the Global Mixology Championships and the Nikka Perfect Serve, Jenna is eager to show her hometown that she’s here to stay.

The Competition Circuit: A Journey of Growth and Discovery

For Jenna, competing is more than just a way to showcase her skills; it’s an opportunity for growth. “The most rewarding part of competitions is how much you learn,” she says. Every competition has taught her something new, whether it’s a technique, a flavor combination, or simply the value of pushing herself beyond her comfort zone. While she’s proud of her achievements on the national stage, Jenna is especially excited to bring her talents back home and remind Charlotte why she’s a rising star in the mixology scene.

As Jenna continues to make her mark in the world of mixology, she’s driven by a desire to blend tradition with innovation, all while staying true to herself. Whether she’s crafting a cocktail on paper or mixing one behind the bar, Jenna’s analytical mind and creative spirit ensure that every drink she creates is a masterpiece. As she puts it, “I just remind myself to keep excelling.” And with each new competition, Jenna is not only excelling—she’s inspiring others to do the same.


Get Your Tickets Now

Want to witness Jenna’s mixology magic in action? Don’t miss the 4th Annual Battle of the Babes Cocktail Competition, where she’ll be competing against some of the best in the business. Early bird tickets are on sale now—grab yours before they’re gone!


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