Behind the Bar: Ky Brown’s Journey in Mixology

Nakyra “Ky” Brown’s path to becoming a mixologist started in a way many others do: serving in the food industry. With over 10 years of experience, she first got her start serving tables, but it didn’t take long for her to realize where her true passion lay. The energy, confidence, and precision of the bartenders around her inspired her to switch gears. “I feel like the heart of the company starts at the bar,” Ky says, reflecting on how she gravitated toward the bar the moment she turned 21.

After finding her niche behind the bar, she fully embraced the art of mixology, constantly refining her skills and learning how to craft unique and satisfying cocktails. What started as an admiration for the profession quickly turned into a lifelong passion. Today, she’s not just shaking up drinks but shaking up the industry with her innovative approach and creative flair.

If Ky Were a Cocktail: The Mango Habanero Margarita

When asked to describe herself as a cocktail, Ky chose the Mango Habanero Margarita, a bold and flavorful choice that mirrors her personality. The sweetness of the mango, combined with the fiery kick of habanero, reflects her unique ability to balance contrasting elements in her drinks. Like this cocktail, Ky is both approachable and bold, offering a mix of flavors and ideas that captivate and challenge the palate. This choice of cocktail symbolizes her vibrant energy behind the bar and her ability to infuse a little spice into everything she creates.

Ky approach to mixology is anything but conventional. Her philosophy is simple: come into the craft with a free mind and let creativity lead the way. She strives to make drinks that leave a lasting impression, aiming to make people ask, "What’s in here?" after their first sip.

For Ky, mixology is about exploration, blending flavors that most people wouldn’t think of combining. This adventurous mindset allows her to break free from traditional cocktail recipes and innovate in ways that push the boundaries of what a cocktail can be. Her goal is to give her guests something unexpected, something they've never tasted before. This makes her drinks more than just beverages—they are experiences, designed to evoke curiosity and excitement.

Thriving as a Woman in a Male-Dominated Industry

As a woman thriving in an industry predominantly run by men, Ky takes pride in every compliment and piece of feedback she receives. “It reminds me that I can do what they can do—and better,” she says, embodying the confidence and resilience necessary to break through gender barriers.

For her, being a female mixologist isn’t just about succeeding in a male-dominated field; it’s about thriving. Every challenge she faces only fuels her determination. The long hours, the physical demands of the job, the back-and-forth hustle behind the bar—none of it deters her. Instead, it motivates her to push harder. “It makes me never want to give up,” she adds. Her success and perseverance serve as a reminder to other women that they, too, can carve out a space for themselves and excel in the cocktail industry.

A Taste of Victory: Ky’s First Competition

Ky’s first experience with cocktail competitions came in 2023 at Battle of the Babes Cocktail Competition 2023, a defining moment in her career. "It was honestly the best experience I could’ve ever gotten as a mixologist," she recalls, with the excitement still palpable in her voice. Winning People’s Choice was a game-changer, boosting her confidence and opening doors she hadn’t even imagined. Networking with others in the industry and sharing the story behind her cocktail was an overwhelming yet exhilarating experience.

Competitions like these have given Ky a platform to showcase her creativity and skill, and she’s eager to return to the arena. The thrill of the competition, the camaraderie with other bartenders, and the chance to shine on a larger stage have all contributed to her growth as a mixologist. Winning People’s Choice was just the beginning for Ky, and she’s excited to bring her unique flair back to this year’s competition.

For this year’s competition, Ky has her sights set on creating a cocktail that transcends the seasons. “I want my cocktail to be a well-balanced drink that anyone would want at any time of the day or year,” she says. While many cocktails are typically associated with specific seasons—light, refreshing drinks for summer or warming, spiced cocktails for winter—Ky wants to craft something versatile. Her aim is to create a drink that is as satisfying in the heat of summer as it is in the chill of winter.

Her focus on balance speaks to her overall approach to mixology. Whether she’s playing with contrasting flavors or combining unexpected ingredients, she always strives to achieve harmony in her cocktails. This year’s competition will give her the chance to push her creativity even further, and she’s ready to deliver a drink that will stand the test of time and taste.

Ky Brown’s journey behind the bar is marked by passion, innovation, and resilience. From her humble beginnings as a server to her award-winning cocktails, she has proven time and again that she has what it takes to succeed in the industry. With each new drink, she continues to push the boundaries of mixology, driven by her love for the craft and her desire to give her guests something memorable.

Her story is one of inspiration, not just for women in the industry, but for anyone with a dream to follow their passion. As she gears up for her next competition, there’s no doubt that Ky will continue to leave her mark, one cocktail at a time.


Get Your Early Bird Tickets

Don’t miss out on seeing Ky Brown and other top mixologists showcase their skills live! Secure your early bird tickets now for an evening of creativity, craftsmanship, and incredible cocktails on September 30, 2024, 7PM-11PM at Merchant + Trade 303 S Church St.

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