Cecelia Crook: A Bartender’s Blend of History, Culture, and Craft

Cecelia Crook’s journey into mixology began like many in the hospitality industry: as a young cocktail waitress. At just 18, she got her start at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa, Florida. However, it wasn’t long before her natural curiosity, creativity, and love for people propelled her beyond the service counter and into the world of crafting cocktails.

"I was raised to work hard and put my whole heart into everything I do," says Cecelia. Her work ethic, paired with her passion for human connection, shaped her path behind the bar. For Cecelia, it’s not just about serving drinks—it’s about storytelling, culture, and creating meaningful experiences.

“I’m a history nerd; I love to explore why and how things come to be the way that they are,” she explains. This passion for understanding and exploration is what drives her unique style, where every ingredient and spirit comes with a story. She’s fascinated by the interconnectedness of culture and libation, using her craft to provoke reflection and conversation among her guests.

If Cecelia Were a Cocktail: The Salty Dog with a Twist

When asked to describe herself as a cocktail, Cecelia chose a Salty Dog—a classic cocktail of gin and grapefruit juice. But true to her style, she adds a twist: “Navy strength gin, fresh Florida pink grapefruit juice, and a shot of Malort on the side.”

The Salty Dog reflects Cecelia’s boldness and complexity. With its tart grapefruit balanced by the strong gin, it embodies her love for balance and contrast. The shot of Malort, known for its bitter, challenging flavor, adds a daring edge—an invitation to try something unexpected, much like Cecelia’s own approach to bartending.

Cecelia’s experience behind the bar is diverse. From dive bars to craft cocktail lounges, from beachside venues to no-menu speakeasies, Cecelia has done it all. Her broad range of experiences has shaped her into a versatile and adaptable mixologist. “I love an Appletini as much as I love a Vieux Carré,” she says, emphasizing her appreciation for both classic and contemporary cocktails.

What sets Cecelia apart from others in the industry is her ability to thrive in any environment. Whether it’s a high-volume nightclub or an intimate cocktail bar, she brings the same level of craftsmanship and attention to detail. This versatility allows her to create drinks that resonate with a wide range of audiences, while still maintaining her unique flair.

The Challenges of Being a Woman in a Male-Dominated Industry

The bar industry, like many others, is still largely male-dominated, and Cecelia has faced her fair share of challenges as a woman in this space. “We are verbally and physically harassed by male customers and told to ignore it, we are overlooked for leadership roles, and we are hired based on our appearance over our skill,” she shares.

These experiences have fueled Cecelia’s determination to change the way women are treated in the industry. “I feel rage. I feel a responsibility to attempt to change the way our industry treats women, so that those who come after us won’t have to experience what we have.”

However, Cecelia remains hopeful and inspired by the women who are leading the charge for change. She highlights Sally Gatza and Bri Knox-Anderson, who run Floridian Social Club in St. Petersburg, and Colleen Hughes, who runs an award-winning bar program in Charlotte, as role models paving the way for women in the industry. Cecilia also expresses pride in the women-led management team at Merchant & Trade, where she currently works.

Despite the challenges, Cecelia is excited to see more women taking leadership roles and pioneering industry movements. Her story is one of resilience, strength, and the pursuit of equality in a field that often overlooks women’s contributions.

First-Time Competitor: Facing Nerves and Embracing Growth

Though Cecelia has spent years honing her craft, this year marks her first time competing in a mixology competition. “Be nice to me, I’m nervous,” she jokes, but there’s an undercurrent of excitement in her words. For Cecelia, this competition is more than just a test of skill—it’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with other talented women in the industry.

“I hope to learn cool stuff from my peers, make friends with some talented local industry women, improve my skills, and boost my confidence!” she says. The competition is also a chance for her to step out of her comfort zone and push her limits as a mixologist.

As Cecelia continues her journey in mixology, she remains committed to both her craft and her mission to improve the industry for women. Whether she’s behind the bar creating a new cocktail, learning from her peers in competition, or advocating for change, Cecilia approaches everything with passion and purpose.

Her career is not just about mixing drinks; it’s about making connections, telling stories, and using her platform to spark conversations about culture, history, and equality. As she steps into the competition arena for the first time, there’s no doubt that Cecelia Crook will continue to make her mark on the industry—one cocktail at a time.


Get Your Early Bird Tickets

Don’t miss the chance to see Cecelia Crook and other top mixologists in action on September 30, 2024, 7PM-11PM at Merchant + Trade 303 S Church St.! This competition will be a showcase of creativity, innovation, and craftsmanship.

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